Gone Fishin’… well, ok, not really fishin’…

Thursday, March 31, 2011

So, one of the challenges of having a store – online or otherwise – is taking time off. One of the benefits of the online store is that it can run itself for a few days when I need to get a little R&R… Such is the case as it is time for my summer vacation. I'll be closed from July 1st through July 15th…

While I am gone, I hang the “Gone Fishin’…” sign up on Corrado Cutlery and Clubman Online. If you would like to place an order you may do so and it will ship upon my return. Please be aware that any expedited shipping such as 2 Day or Next Day will not go out until I am back. So you may want to keep it to Ground and Priority Mail.

Thanks and see you soon…



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