Every face is different and the blade that works well on one face may tear up the next one. The shave cream that soothes one face may irritate the next one… and so on. There are no absolutes in shaving (except that there are no absolutes in shaving, er, wait a minute?)… Then, just to make matters more complicated, our skin tone changes over time as we age so that when you think you have found the perfect shave, your face changes and what you were using doesn’t work so great anymore. This is one reason that the big shaving companies are so big -- man is constantly looking for a better shave.
While there are no absolutes, there are some statistical “strong possibilities” that I have noticed over the years and the #1 pattern that I have witnessed is that, once a guy starts using blades made by Merkur/Solingen, he rarely if ever changes back!...
(to be continued…)
Labels: Shaving Grooming
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