Being a guitar player, I know the value of well trimmed finger nails. It’s many a song that’s been disrupted by the loud and harsh twang of a nail catching on a string! That’s why you’ll find a stainless steel
Dovo/Solingen pocket nail clipper in my case as part of my standard equipment – right up there with extra strings...
The best pocket clippers are stainless (stays sharp longer) and have wide, reasonably long handles (better to grip and better cutting leverage). The thicker the nails the better leverage you need to cleanly clip. While larger clippers are often referred to and sold as toe nail clippers, if you have overly thick nails (hello, big toe), you will do better to use either a heavy duty toe nail scissors or large nail nipper for this task…
R.I.P. – The Normandy Nail Clip… for those not familiar, the Normandy Nail Clip is (was) a thin body nail clip with a unique design that kept it very flat when closed so that it was not bulky in pants pockets. An extremely popular design that was made in only one factory in France, it has officially been discontinued. To the best of my knowledge and information they are no longer available to buy new anywhere (unless someone has old stock) and there are no plans I am aware of to bring it back. If this changes, Corrado Cutlery will be first in line to sell them. (I would love to be wrong about this... If anyone has any different information please let me know)…
(to be continued…)
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